A care package from Australia arrived here in Idaho last week.
My second cousin Emma Qualye sent me a huge parcel containing blocks of Cadbury chocolate. It does not get better than that.

I love the Wiggles postal envelope the goodies arrived in. It was quite a hit at the UPS store where I collect my mail.
Inside there were scrumptious goodies galore. Cadbury Peppermint is my favourite ever, and I got to try the new bubbly white one; no photos of that have been included in this post because the entire block is LONG gone.

Today we cracked open the Rocky Road and I was nice enough to share a square each with the builders who are doing the renovations at our place. I didn't want to give them too much, that stuff is precious and not to be wasted on uneducated palates. By uneducated I mean Americans who are used to Hershey's and therefore have no idea what good chocolate is meant to taste like!

I have had fine Swiss Chocolate in Switzerland, but as far as I am concerned, nothing beats good old Cadbury.
Thanks Emma!