Sunday, November 21, 2010

Let it snow...or perhaps NOT

November, and I am dwelling in a winter wonderland--if by wonderland you mean snowy, cold pain in the butt-land. Technically it is still Autumn (they call it Fall here) but the temperature is making me feel as though it is the depth of winter.

Using the snow-blower just to make walking paths around the property is an everyday occurence, how very annoying. The dogs seem to love the snow, especially Big Suze. I suppose they have only ever known a life which included the existence of snow, unlike me. When we use the snow-blower, a tube at the top sends out a spray of it and the silly dog runs around trying to eat it. Personally, I think snow is a useless bugger who should knick-off and leave me alone. What good is white powder to anyone if it's not Colombian one must ask.

Let them eat snow

The ski fanatics would probably like to throttle me for that comment, perhaps If I were into the sport--if by sport you mean suicidal desire to hurtle down perilous slopes towards certain death--I might think differently. My one experience skiing lead to a nasty incident that had a touch of the Sony Bono about it. Never again!

The snow covered trees are very pretty, but I could easily put up a picture on the wall of a beautiful snowscape scene and be happy; without the icy botheration.

Oh and it's -5 Celcius outside now. Yep, it's BELOW zero, lovely Autumn weather. Mercy!


  1. Darling, I will happily swap your winter hell for my Hades furnace.

    Great blog post!

  2. OMG Ferrari those photos are beautiful! What I wouldn't give to play in the snow... although I hate the cold haha. Melbourne reached a top of 34°C today, the hottest day here since February of this year - we're in for a hot summer!

  3. Just get your hands on some Colombian then you will not feel the winter chills. You will also have that perfect bikini body come summer. If only I lived in the Andes..........

  4. Thanks Mary! Will happily swap with you. Does the gorgeous husband come with the deal(fingers crossed) on that one.

    Lynnie, Melbourne is getting hot pretty early these days. What is up with that? You must feel like you are still in Florida. This cold would kill you my dear. Your heat-loving self would simply expire in this abominable cold!

    Patric, ah true, true. Imagine if it was snowing Colombian...dare to dream.
