Friday, November 26, 2010

When does a cupcake have Zero Calories? When it's made of soap!

Freezing and snowy weather means I have come down with an inevitable cold. The first, and hopefully last one of the season. How is it simply called the "common" cold, when it packs so much punch, I have lost the will to live?

I did manage to crawl out of my sick-bed and make some soap the other day, right before crawling back in with a box of tissues, cough-lollies and a huge load of misery.

Lavender and lemon seems like a nice combination so I made a loaf in which the two scents were layered. I also used my cupcake soap mould for the first time and created a lavender-lemon confection that looks and smells good enough to scoff.

I really like silicone moulds, one can make the most ornate soaps with them, and I do like a fancy soap you know. I make them with all natural ingredients, well except for the colour. I sometimes make soap without added colour but at other times I just want something pretty. I mostly use essential oils, keeping my soap natural, moisterizing and smelling beautiful.

I plan on making cupcake soaps with chocolate bases, and caramel toppings, trouble is, I may find the temptation too much and end up with a mouthful of soap. As a child I had my mouth washed out with soap for swearing. It was horrible, and let's be frank, it really didn't help. If only my mother had used creme brulee scented cupcake soap to enact the punishment, it would have been a much more pleasant experience and who knows, I might not have ended up with the tendency to swear like a flipping sailor!



  1. I hate cupcake soaps because I want to eat them. Worse still if they are chocolate scented. It increases the appetite and makes you crave the real thing. Then I would bake a batch, pig out and then OD on Xenical. Pffffft.

  2. Eating a bit of soap might do you some good Miss Patrice, might wash that foul mouth of yours out, get you to speak more like a lady, as I do. :P
