After what felt like an eternity of unbearable gloom, the sun finally came out on the 4th and there was no new-snow. What a birthday present indeed. I desperately needed to see some sunlight, being completely exasperated with the seemingly endless procession of dark, miserable days.

The snow looks pretty but is an endless source of work. Each time it snows I have to get out there and start up the snow-blower, making sure we have clear pathways to walk on. What a flipping chore that is. Being outside in sub-zero temperatures is an ordeal on it's own, add having to do manual labour in it and I am one unhappy camper.
My nose drips like a tap in the cold, how undignified is that? "No dear that is not water on my face, it's something altogether much more disgusting and yes it is everywhere, encrusted all over my scarf, the one I bought in Florence in a little store on my way to the Palazzo Pitti." How far that elegant Florentine scarf has travelled, all the way from a glamorous, cosmopolitan Italian city, to the mountains of Idaho to be unceremoniously covered in my snot. I apologise to the Florentine scarf-makers for this atrocity.
The snow is a metre deep in parts so unless the blower comes up, we can't walk anywhere. It is motorized so no significant physical effort is involved, unless I go into uncharted territory and it gets stuck in the powdery snow, what a nightmare it is for me to get it out. My poor back. It's codeine-laden pain relief and constant hot-water bottles for me.
Having had a horrible cold, I have not left the property for 2 weeks. Having to go out into the cold to snow-blow has undoubtedly caused the cold to linger but I had little choice. On the plus side, I have found that being a recluse is quite desirable. No having to wash my hair everyday, heck washing my face became optional. The Colonel did all the grocery shopping. Sitting at home, where it is warm having my food bought to me, this is something I could quickly get used to. Alas, life goes on and now that I am better, it's back to work this week.

The Colonel insisted I go out for my birthday. We went into town and gallivanted. I went to my favourite store in Sandpoint, Coldwater Creek and scored a new top. The Colonel sat on one of the "man-chairs" where all the poor suffering husbands sit and look completely bored while their wives tear around the store trying on clothes. The Colonel had the good sense to bring reading material, some other poor bugger occupying another man-chair, looked like he wanted to shoot himself in the head to end the misery.
Afterwards we had a lovely lunch in the upstairs wine bar. They make excellent cappuccino but I get so frustrated with the naked froth on American cappuccinos--that is white froth with no chocolate powder on top--a travesty! I need to start going around with a little shaker filled with chocolate powder to complete my own 'cinos!

Later we went out for dinner at a really good Italian restaurant, Ivano's. I had the chicken parmigiana, of course!

December 4th, my birthday, 28 years old: again. Well not really, 41, but I swear I don't look a day older than 50. :)
After what felt like an eternity of unbearable gloom, the sun finally came out on the 4th and there was no new-snow. What a birthday present indeed. I desperately needed to see some sunlight, being completely exasperated with the seemingly endless procession of dark, miserable days.

The snow looks pretty but is an endless source of work. Each time it snows I have to get out there and start up the snow-blower, making sure we have clear pathways to walk on. What a flipping chore that is. Being outside in sub-zero temperatures is an ordeal on it's own, add having to do manual labour in it and I am one unhappy camper.

My nose drips like a tap in the cold, how undignified is that? "No dear that is not water on my face, it's something altogether much more disgusting and yes it is everywhere, encrusted all over my scarf, the one I bought in Florence in a little store on my way to the Palazzo Pitti." How far that elegant Florentine scarf has travelled, all the way from a glamorous, cosmopolitan Italian city, to the mountains of Idaho to be unceremoniously covered in my snot. I apologise to the Florentine scarf-makers for this atrocity.
The snow is a metre deep in parts so unless the blower comes up, we can't walk anywhere. It is motorized so no significant physical effort is involved, unless I go into uncharted territory and it gets stuck in the powdery snow, what a nightmare it is for me to get it out. My poor back. It's codeine-laden pain relief and constant hot-water bottles for me.
Having had a horrible cold, I have not left the property for 2 weeks. Having to go out into the cold to snow-blow has undoubtedly caused the cold to linger but I had little choice. On the plus side, I have found that being a recluse is quite desirable. No having to wash my hair everyday, heck washing my face became optional. The Colonel did all the grocery shopping. Sitting at home, where it is warm having my food bought to me, this is something I could quickly get used to. Alas, life goes on and now that I am better, it's back to work this week.

The Colonel insisted I go out for my birthday. We went into town and gallivanted. I went to my favourite store in Sandpoint, Coldwater Creek and scored a new top. The Colonel sat on one of the "man-chairs" where all the poor suffering husbands sit and look completely bored while their wives tear around the store trying on clothes. The Colonel had the good sense to bring reading material, some other poor bugger occupying another man-chair, looked like he wanted to shoot himself in the head to end the misery.
Afterwards we had a lovely lunch in the upstairs wine bar. They make excellent cappuccino but I get so frustrated with the naked froth on American cappuccinos--that is white froth with no chocolate powder on top--a travesty! I need to start going around with a little shaker filled with chocolate powder to complete my own 'cinos!

Later we went out for dinner at a really good Italian restaurant, Ivano's. I had the chicken parmigiana, of course!

The snow photos look beautiful!!! What I wouldn't give to have a white Christmas. I'm hoping to spend next Christmas in NY and then back in FL! Hope you had a great Birthday! xo