Monday, June 28, 2010


.Sunday drives through the country were one of my favourite things to do as a child. My mother would load us kids into the car and set off, often on aimless wandering drives to no-where in particular while we gawped out of the windows at all the sights.

The Colonel and I went for such a drive yesterday and visited a town next to ours; situated on Lake Pend Oreille. It reminds me of Lake Como and of course I love that. It even has hillsides with quaint houses dotted all along.
We had dinner at a floating restaurant which sits on the water at the marina. The food was so-so but the view was amazing. It was not exactly as grand as the Jumbo Floating Restaurant I went to in Hong Kong, actually, it was more like a pontoon out the back of the Jumbo, but around here it was pretty exiciting.
Dragon detail from the Jumbo Restaurant.

On the way there we got up close and personal with a Moose and some deer. It's not quite the colourful scenery that Ms Patrice gets to see down Smith Street; if by colourful scenery you mean prostrate druggies, but it certainly was exciting.



  1. Beautiful scenery. I can understand why you love it so much up there.

  2. One day I hope you can visit Ms. P. I know you would love it too.
