Today could have turned out to have been a very, very bad day. I took the dogs for a walk and had the misfortune to meet up with a wolf.

Something was wrong, the dogs were sniffing the air, looking around and agitated. Toby was barking in all directions while Susie ran forward like a bullet.
She ran down a steep slope making it hard for me to follow. I managed to yell enough to get her to turn around and come back. As soon as she starting walking back towards me I saw a grey wolf sneak out from behind a tree stump and run up behind her.

Despite my frantic shouting the wolf kept coming. Susie is such a brave dog, she turned around and fought it off, sending the bugger scurrying away. As I fumbled around trying to get my gun out of my backpack, I watched the persistent creature turn around and go right back after Susie.
Aiming my Glock in the direction but a little too high, I fired a round that succeeded in frightening the wolf away. As it ran I couldn't resist firing another round for good measure, keep the blighter running in the right direction.
Did I hit it? Most probably not, I deliberately was aiming high, I just wanted to make sure it kept retreating. Venturing down to the wet and muddy part just to find out if the animal was hurt was not an option. Not only did I need to get the dogs away, a wounded wolf would have been no fun at all. Especially if it had freinds lurking in the trees.
Wonton turned out to be such a little cupcake. He does not like loud noises and as soon as I fired the first time, he bolted and ran all the way home. Not exactly a brave little fella. Toby stayed next to me. Clever dog. Only Big Suze was brave enough to get into the fray. What a hero dog!

I had seen some suspicious turds out in the woods today. Sadly my life now involves activities such as looking at pictures of poo online, what an exciting life I live!
Taking my newly acquired knowledge of all things shit out into the field, I have been examining the turds I find to work out what kind of bear is around. The good news is that no signs of Grizzlies have been found but those black bears are everywhere.
Today we came across something that looked like wolf or coyote droppings, not too far from the house. Perhaps the wolf that went after Susie has been hanging around close to the house.
Country life never ceases to amaze me.
Bloody Hell!