Thursday, April 23, 2009


I purchased a new prescription drug for eyelashes today. It's basically the drug they use to treat glaucoma. Patients on it reported thicker, fuller, darker eyelashes, so they began to market it for those of us poor unfortunates with pathetic ones. I look like a corpse if I am not wearing mascara and being the lazy thing that I am means that most of the time I go around looking like a freshly exhumed stiffy.

Latisse could be a good solution for my problem of pale, short, stumpy, miserable excuses for eyelashes. It does have some side effects though. I have to make sure I don't get it in my eyes and watch my Iris's VERY carefully as it can make eyes, especially light, eyes darker. That would be bad, having my blue eyes get brown blobs in them.

A before picture of the sad, limp lashes.

Hopefully an after picture will soon appear with luscious, full and darker tipped eyelashes that would make an overmade up drag queen envious.


  1. Oh no you're brassy! Don't forget to pop up a photo of that feast for the eyes. Latisse is on prescription yes/no? I wouldn't worry about your eye colour going darker. You may end up with Liz Taylor violet peepers. Lovely. Or you could end up with brown eyes. Don't fret my dear as brown eyes would compliment your new bloodnut do.

  2. Can't put a picture of the hair up, it's too tragic. I went to a new hairdresser for a consultation. She said it will take 3 or 4 visits to undo all the colour damage. Oh why do I always get the idiots dying my hair? The new one is a Loreal colour specialist. Let's hope she does a better job.

  3. Noting wrong with darker coloured eyes!!!
    LMAO did you get Mike to take that photo for you, or did you go all tween on us and do the self portrait thing in the mirror LOL.

  4. Not even tween, I held the camera up in front of my face and took a snap! What a spaz.

  5. Hahaha a self portrait in the mirror. Actually heaps of bloggers have tripods so they can photograph themselves. I find that creepy.

  6. No mirror, I had the lens pointed at my face, had no idea if I was even aiming in the right spot. haha. I know what a loser, but still not as much of a loser as someone who uses a tripod to take self portraits for my blog!
