I have been neglecting my sad little blog for too long. The past week I had the painters working inside the house everyday, some days I had no access to the computer as they were painting the study and all the furniture was piled up in the middle. Then we spent the weekend getting things around the house ready for viewings. A new week has begun, there is still so much to do and the painter was back today to fix up some things. I'm over it and the house has not even been listed yet. The agent arrives this afternoon to take photos so I had better get the washing down. No one wants to see a picture of my nanna grundies when they peruse house pictures online. It's not so much like an episode of 'Cribs' around here, as it is a version of 'Lifestyles of the dull and unknown'.
I have spent so much time, 'de-cluttering' the house over the past couple of weeks. Boxes and boxes have been filled and taken down to the storage unit we hired for the this purpose, there is still so much more to do. The Colonel is what I would call a clutterbug. It seems that most of the military types are. We have a whole room dedicated to storing army stuff. He also is a born horder, collecting a vast array of bibelots from his travels around the world and even from his childhood. I found an old rock which I was about to throw away until he said it was actually a part of the Berlin Wall that he had acquired while serving in Germany.
The temperature here in Florida is unimaginably hot. Just walking outside and sitting on the deck makes one start to sweat. Having to do anywork outside the house is unbearable and can be fatal. People drop dead all over the place in this humidity when they go outside and start potting around. I saw on television yesterday a chart showing that heat is more likely to kill people than other weather conditions. They showed a graph which demonstrated a ten year average of death rates from weather related conditions. These included hurricanes, tornados, floods and heat. Now in America hundreds of people die each year from hurricanes and tornados. Thousands died after Katrina. Despite this staggering and very sad fact, more people died in the past 10 years from HOT weather. I have long whined and complained about the heat, much to the annoyance of the Florida locals, but here I have proved my point, this heat is downright dangerous as well as oppressive.

We have a plague of little tiny frogs at the moment. Often green tree frogs are around so I thought the little baby froglings were tree frogs. Yesterday I tipped a bucket of ice onto the garden and these little frogs were hopping on the ice cubes and getting stuck. I was distrought, and was carefully picking up the cubes and picking off the little frogs that were stuck and feeling very happy about saving them.
My neighbour came over and told me that these darling little froglings were in fact, baby cane toads. Crikey! They are everywhere, hopping all over the place. No problem now, but these things will grow up to be vile, ugly cane toads. I stood outside, without a hat or sunblock, (horror), saving baby cane toads. Oh Flori-duh, the heat has well and truly addled my brains. I guess that accounts for such a drab blog post as well as the cane toad mercy mission. :(
I just laughed so hard while picturing you out the back pulling baby cane toads off ice cubes. Hahahaha.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to get to the heat, this 12 degree weather is no fun!
12 degrees, I can only dream about that. Still that is pretty cold for Melbourne.
ReplyDeleteYou are going to love Orlando, the weather is just made for you right now.
I'm dreading those toads growing and becoming those big ugly things they have in Queensland. I can't believe I was touching them. :(
I am laughing at the graph...hahahaha you posted a graph! LOL. Ewww cane toads deserve to be inside the ice-blocks in your freezer compartment. Well they say it's humane.
ReplyDeleteGo and kiss one so you can tell me if the Prince Charming tale is a pure myth or if it is something cruelly devised by the patriarch to degrade women..those bastards..pfft
Btw......oh the Colonel has a Berlin Wall tidbit? Lucky prick! I romanticize those long balmy Cold War days....they seem as though they were yesterday! OOOh Check-point Charlie, Firefox, The Hunt for Red October..yeah baby those days really rocked...dahling.
ReplyDeleteI now realise that posting a graph made me look like a boring...teacher! I love a good graph though, that's my inner nerd shining through.
ReplyDeleteI am not kissing a cane toad don't they cause warts?
The Colonel was in Berlin when the wall came down, what an interesting time to have been there. Reagan was so succint when he said, 'Mr Gorbachov, tear down that wall!'
If you were living in Cairns and caught saving cane toads, you would've be stoned to death. PMSL.
ReplyDeleteI hate the heat. Give me cool temperate weather any day.
You only get warts if you give them a tonguey
ReplyDeleteWarts are nothing new to you ;) You know the kind I'm talking about.
ReplyDeleteHaha, yes, the graph does make you look like a boring teacher. I just randomly had a flash back to when you rolled your car window down and yelled out to that kid and I was all, "Well, that was very teacherish of you!" Haha. Good times.
Can't wait to get to that heat, I need a tan. This is the palest I think I've ever been. I leave for Canada in three days! Hooray!
Note to self, never post a graph again on my blog, the critics are harsh. :)
ReplyDeleteMary I think there are Queenslanders on their way here right now to beat me up for my cane toad mercy mission, and I deserve a good beating for it too.
Patrice, warts/tonguey, did you learn that fact from experience?
Lynnie, warts are all cleared up now thanks to a special cream, but no thanks to you for giving them to me in the first place. You crazy Canadians.
If you get too tanned we will look so funny together. My skin is so white people need sunglasses when looking at me to protect them from the glare.
Yes I did actually, why?
ReplyDeletePatrizia, are you admitting to tonguing a cane toad? Sicko.