My city sensibilities are just so offended by country dirt. I refuse to dress in the dowdy country style around here. Overalls are so un-flattering. One can still dress up a bit on the farm you know. I am sure the pigs will appreciate a touch of glamour in their little porky lives don't you? (wink)
From Marvellous Melbourne, to Trendy Tampa, how did this city slicker end up in living on top of a great big Mountain? In the words of the band Powderfinger, 'This life turned out nothing like I had planned'.

Even in the country one cannot be without a three strand pearl necklace.
While Eva Gabor was allergic to Hay in the charming comedy series, I am in fact allergic to manual labour of any form. Imagine my horror at realising today's event was not something to do on a fun country adventure caper, but something needed on a regular basis to stop me freezing to death in sub-zero temperatures.

Firewood on the porch, the fruits of my labour.
This country caper is turning out to be such a challenge. My mission is to survive and do all the farm things, but to still retain my sense of style and elan and to continue to wear my fabulous Carol Brodie jewels, even if it's just to impress the chooks.
Let me just say this, Countess Chichi simply will not allow herself to become Miss Mountain Woman. It's pearls and Rolex and Tod's shoes for me. Throw in some lovely fancy frocks as worn by the gorgeous Miss Eva and you get the picture.

Just the frock I need for feeding the chooks in.
Will I become Miss Mountain Country 2010 or will the city keep on slicking right off me? Who knows, who cares you say, cheeky! If any readers see pictures of me wearing cover-alls and chewing on a piece of wheat or hay or whatever it is bumpkins chew on, please leave me a stern message, bring me back from the brink of abandoning all fashion sense and fanciness.
If that fails and you see photographs of me either riding a tractor or shopping at Walmart in a wife beater T-shirt with a mullet hairdo, I beg you to give me a good hard slap.
Despite the intervention were I to end up dressing like this cowgirl all hope would be lost and I should be institutionalised for my own good. Nuff said.

At least I think it's a girl. Not really 100% sure. Yeeehaw
Photo from
"The Chores, the Stores" - Green Acres theme tune
ReplyDeleteIf you DARE dress like the genetically modified Annie Oakley pictured in your post, I will personally send a copy photo to FH!!
You've been warned!
I LOVE your place.
I want to live with you.
My passport is being processed as we speak.
And I adore the chook feeding outfit. You always come up trumps Countess.
Mary, get that passport and come over. You and I could wear fancy frocks and be proper fancy ladies while mucking out the chook shed.
ReplyDeleteI love reading about your farming adventures and your marvellous cooking. Fig jam, yum.
Sadly the ground here is frozen so I get to look at the pretty scenery but not really do much in the way of growing. I am chopping wood though, just call me Chopper!
I'd rather be featured on People of than FH. I think FH would look tres chic in that country bumpkin ensemble though. Meow.
Sadly, I think FH would also sport an accessory pig under one arm....oh sorry, that would be one sow too many *oink*
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping to meet your gorgeous sister in October - fancy flying over? We could go shopping for 'chook frocks'.
FH could just wear Pink and pass for said oinker. Oh that was not nice.
ReplyDeleteHow fabulous, what a fun time you will have. I hope to hear about you both having posh high tea and gossip sessions about FH and PB! If only I could be there, what a fun time it would be.
Firstly, nice logs. Secondly, I didn't know that the Mr's mother was frequenting Wal-Mart? I didn't recognize her initially as she has dyed her hair darker.
ReplyDeleteWalmart is full of fashionistas like that. Sad but true.