As soon as I first stumbled across her fancy blog I knew that I had found a woman after my own heart. Natalie has a special Friday Fance post each week where she delights readers with purely whimsical and delicious pictures of fancy things. I carry on the Friday Fance theme each Friday by adding some special jewelery to my ensemble or putting on some even fancier outfits than usual, perhaps adding a whimsical Prada scarf around my neck or tying my favourite Fendi daffodil yellow scarf to my handbag.

Today I went off to work in my Friday Fance outfit but with one special touch. As it was pouring with rain I decided that I had to do something to stop the mud getting all over my shoes. I could have put on my heavy, clunky boots and changed at work but I really thought that was way too much of a hassle. Instead, I made bread bag boots.

Oh yes my friends, you read that correctly, bread bag shoe covers, taking the fance to a whole new level entirely. Not Dolce, not Gabbana even, no indeed, I am talking about bread bag shoes.
The Styling was simple.
1. Take an empty bread bag, eat any leftover scraps or crusts if necessary.
2. Tip upside down and shake out the crumbs.
3. Put bag over shoes and tie in a jaunty knot.
3. Slop about in mud without looking like a dirty hobo.
Look out Rachel Zoe, this Countess is laying down some crazy cool styles. Or maybe I have become more mountain woman, less fashionista. A frightening thought, not quite as frightening as what I just saw when I looked down at my feet. Am I really wearing socks with Birkenstocks? Crikey!
This week I have been laid up with back pain. It is no fun at all and I am a terrible patient indeed. The Colonel has had to help me get off the couch a few times when I got stuck. The pain was so excruciating, it would shoot up my back with the slightest movement so I just sat there calling for help like a complete invalid.
One time I was laying on my back in bed when I got stuck. How embarrassing to lie there like a turtle on it's back, helpless and calling out to a bewildered Colonel to help me sit up. Seriously, I thought I was going to end up being one of those people riding around on the electric scooters at Walmart., here I come.
If I ever did find myself in need of some kind of electric wheelchair, rest assured, I would settle for nothing less than the TANK CHAIR.

The Tank Chair.
How cool is that? I so want one of these. A fancy Countess with a crook back needs still needs to walk the dogs you know. I could even ride around the woods in comfort on this ingenious invention. I could crush those pesky shoppers at Walmart in this beast.
I did drag my sorry self out of bed to accompany the Colonel on some errands the other day. There was a job fair in the local mall so we dropped in for a look. When I say job fair, I mean loser fair. Oh my word. Nothing wrong with being a job seeker, but what a turnout, what a pack of strange folk indeed.My favourite was the lady wearing shorts, black opaque tights and Chemist shop sandals. What was going on there? It's not the 18th century and she's not an explorer, it was just downright wrong. I realised that The Sartorialist would have very slim pickings if he ever visited my adopted town.
On an entirely different note, I received my first set of business cards today. I am so excited. I have never had the need for such things in the past but since taking my humble copyediting and proofreading venture to a new level-- with a fancy website and all-- I realised that some nice professional business cards were in order. I took the picture featured on the card myself and I think it turned out really well.

If any of my dear readers are in need of copyediting or proofreading look no further. Special mates rates would apply of course. *smile*