Today, just after coming inside from walking the dogs, I noticed a dark shadow moving outside the window.
A large Moose was walking around the fruit trees just where we had been. Lucky the dogs were inside. Tony would have gone after the much larger creature and ended up the worse for it I am sure.
I think the Moose was the spawn of our lovely Dame Nellie Melba, a very regal Moose we have around here. We call the calf Peach Melba and it looks like she has grown up enough to be out on her own.

I went out on to the deck as she walked past and was surprised to see that Peach did not even look at me despite all the noise I was making. I called out to her, hoping she would look at the camera, a stupid thing to do I know, but she did not care at all and just went on walking by.
What a proud and beautiful creature.
Today while driving to lunch with the Colonel, a large Elk ran across the road in front of us. Then we had to dodge some huge wild Turkeys sauntering casually across the road.
I'm getting more used to seeing all this wildlife, but I still find them so impressive.
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