The fun and frivolity continues in my little town as the Lost in the 50's shenanigans continue.

The Colonel ended up doing the challenges. I was simply not going to ride a bucking bull in a dive bar, no way. How handy husbands are, doing all those little tasks that I really did not want to do.

Looking for plastic flamingos was one of the tasks. We managed to find one only, but we carried it with us to all the stops and waved it at other participants as we passed them.

We ended up finishing first; we are both so competitive you see.
I can imagine you both screaming at each other...."Go this way you dick!" Ah competitive natures. It would have been hilarious witnessing you two in action. Well you obtained what you set out to do and that's what matters.
ReplyDeleteThat Pink Flamingo reminds me of a John Waters film..."Oh Heinz she's straight from the gutter." the Colonel's John Waters inspired shirt. Very loud and very San Fran.
ReplyDeleteDouble btw...was the Colonel wearing leather chaps while mounted upon that bucking bull? Just thought I'd ask because I am really feeling a John Waters theme here.
ReplyDeleteI loathe Hawaiian shirts. LOATHE them, what a fashion travesty. The Colonel has no sense of fashion or style I am sorry to say.
ReplyDeleteAt least he does not wear leather chaps, although I did see some guy wearing them on the parade route. Tragic.