"With the most primitive means the artist creates something which the most ingenious and efficient technology will never be able to create."
Kasimir Malevich
My apologies for such a hackneyed title for this post, but I really couldn't resist. Once that title came into my tiny ADHD brain it just refused to push off and leave room for a much more creative and better one.
The question remains, how does one solve a problem like Maria?. Simple, turn to Art darlings.
Some years ago now I met a fellow kindred spirit in one of the dark satanic mills, affectionately known as 'high schools'.
It was clear that the shackles of teaching were weighing heavily on her, on all of us, but Maria had such a spark of life. She refused to stay shuttered up and fettered by rules and regulations, by administration and bureacracy, by petty little people who thrive and fester in the school enviroment. Oh no, I am not talking about the students dear reader, in fact they are the brightest part of any teaching adventure. Personally, my students have been such a source of delight and joy for me, sometimes heartache, worry and put quite simply, massive pains in the posterier, but on the whole they are wonderful and are what gave me the courage to get out of bed every morning. No, I don't complain about the students, but all the so called 'grown ups' in the place.

The School environment can be a very destructive one, some get out, others are churned up and spat out, while some continue on, burned out and numb, going through the motions. Maria Vella is one who escaped and went not into business, into private industry like so many do, she decided to become a professional artist. How risk-takingly brave and wonderful.
Endowed with creativity and talent she ventured off into the world pursuing her dreams. One has to admire her pluckiness, but at the same time, quiver in fear at the unknown.
"Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable."George Bernard Shaw
Happily, Maria is thriving in her chosen field. One is so proud to have a talented and creatively brilliant friend. It makes me feel just a little more clever and special to be acquainted with her.

She has her own website http://mariavella.webs.com/ which showcases her fabulous pieces. I love her art, it's bright, colourful, witty and breathtaking.
"A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament."
Oscar Wilde
One cannot talk about Maria Vella without relaying a funny little incident that always makes one chuckle. At some grand event, Maria found herself standing next to Austrailan Actor Geoffrey Rush. Both were admiring a painting.
Maria, no surprises here, had a glass of wine in her hand and had been imbibing perhaps a little too much of the nectar beforehand. When Rush made a comment about the painting, she mistook his words and thought he was complimenting her on her dress. Poor Maria was most affronted by this and loudly told him to back off, that she had a boyfriend. As a bewildered Rush walked off into the crowd, she realised her mistake and then began to run behind him, drunkenly shouting, 'Geoffrey, wait, come back', until being dragged away by her poor boyfriend. Just imagine the scene, it must have been hilarious to have been there.
Probably the exact expression on Geoffrey Rush's face as he was chased by an inebriated young artist through a hoighty toighty party.
Slow clap Maria for a job well done.
Maria Vella and Wolfgang.
All artwork feature on this page by Maria Vella.
Geoffrey Rush picture from http://images.rottentomatoes.com/