Thursday, November 26, 2009


Norman Rockwell's 'Freedom from Want'.

"There is one day that is ours. There is one day when all we Americans who are not self-made go back to the old home to eat saleratus biscuits and marvel how much nearer to the porch the old pump looks than it used to. Thanksgiving Day is the one day that is purely American." - O. Henry

Thanksgiving day 2009, and it's been a day to be very thankful for. The weather is lovely and cool, what a luxury, but mostly I am thankful for elastic waistbands. Second helpings anyone?
It's a great concept, the idea of being thankful is admirable. Such a positive and uplifting message and it comes with the notion that it is almost one's patriotic duty to indulge in gluttony so I can't fault this festive holiday.

"A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues." -Cicero
Taking some excellent cooking tips from Miss Patrice, who is able to cook the most succulent birds ever, the Turkey skin was piereced and glorious golden butter was rubbed onto the flesh. Some of Nigella Lawson's maple syrup baste was put under the skin also. It turned out moist and tender instead of dry and tasteless as if often the case with Turkey.

We indulged in sweet potato mash, corn on the cob, gravy, stuffing and all manner of delicious comestibles. The Colonel is no fan of pumpkin pie so we had a Raspberry Crostata instead as I am such a fan of the raspberry.

"Thanksgiving, man. Not a good day to be my pants." -Kevin James

We even made sure it was a very Runty Thanksgiving by making up a small plate for my little Prince after we had finished our meal. We set it at the table and let him feast to his little heart's content. He is so spoiled and we are far too indulgent.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Surprising weekend Capers

This past weekend was full of adventures. On Friday evening it all began when the Colonel and I drove a little more than an hour away to Sarasota to visit a restaurant we had seen featured on a program full of unhealthy eating called, Man Vs Food on the Travel Chanel.
The host, Adam Richman, attempts to eat vast amounts of food in various challenges. Often I end up feeling ill just from watching him consume all manner of fatty, salty, sweet concotions.
We went with empty stomachs to an Amish restaurant called Yoders. The food was delicious and the staff were very nice. They were all in full Amish dress, and outside there were Amish people in traditional dress and long beards, riding around on 3 wheel bicycles. It was such a treat having the chance to eat the yummy food and witness these unique people in Florida.

Adam and Mr.s Yoder, she makes fabulous pies. We had the red raspberry pie and it was scrumptious.


Yoders famous pies.

Saturday morning we were up way too early, robbing me of much needed beauty sleep, and headed off to the airbase as the Colonel was parachuting out of a plane. Off he went to complete his jump while I waited, and waited and waited. In fact, the morning could be characterised as thus, hours of mind numbing tedium, punctuated by seconds of intense interest as the plane circled overhead dropping the jumpers.

The Colonel is the one closest to the plane.

Sunday we visited a Museum and Mansion in Sarasota, the former glittering home to a Circus mogul. The magestic mansion emulates a luxurious Venetian Palazzo. It's extremely sumptuous and quite an astonishing sight to see sitting on Sarasota Bay instead of the Grand Canal.

The interiors are furnished with original items. Impressive antiques and treasures accumulated during the owner's lifetime, often from travels to Europe. The great chandelier in the main drawing room is the original one from the Waldorf hotel which was knocked down to make way for the Empire State building.

There were so many beautiful things in the house. Murano Chandeler in green glass, golden furniture, Delftware birdcages and splendid sculptures.

This couch was originally owned by a Sicilian Prince.

In the master bedroom there was a painting by Johannes De Witt with a golden, sculptural clock sitting elegantly in front.


Everywhere were lovely things, with intricate and magnificent details.

The vast gardens were beautiful also. There was a rose garden, Banyan trees which had originally been given to the owners by Thomas Edison, and even more sculptures and lovely things.

The owner built a Italianate style museum to house his vast art collection. I was enraptured by the magnificent artworks displayed. Who would have thought that some place in Flori-duh would contain such splendiferous gems. The first room I walked into contained three gargantuan Rubens paintings. I had to sit on the chair in the middle of the room to regain my breath and take in the effulgent beauty.

"Art should astonish, transmute, transfix."

Bret Whitely

I was ensorcelled by the lion in one of the paintings. Lions in art are a favoured subject of mine. Just look at the expression on his kingly face, what exquisite rendering of his leonine features.

The rest of the museum contained a veritable bounty of significant works by some of the greats, Titan, Tintoretto, Veronese, Velazquez, Tiepolo, Rembrandt, Joshua Reynolds, Gainsborough, Duchamps and a sculpture by Gustave Dore that I have decided I absolutely want for my birthday. Wink.

What a treasure trove of great Art. All those great artists were astounding enough, then I found a whole section dedicated to Canaletto, that Venetian master of light and beauty. Ensconcing myself on a chair provided I was prepared to spend the rest of the afternoon in a mesmeric trance, transported back to the canals and calle's of Venice.

Alas the Colonel was having none of that. He had already exceeded his tolerance levels after my perching before a Tintoretto in some kind of blissful altered state for a lengthy period of time. So lengthy in fact, it almost made me appear certifiable, but the radiance and sheer genius of the artist had me completely enthralled.

Close up details on a Rubens painting. I love how he painted the flowers and the butterfly's.

Rubens, Danae and the shower of gold.

We ended the day by having dinner at another Man Vs Food find. This time it was called The Old Salty dog. It may have been literally an old salty sea dog that was served up on my plate too. It made me feel unwell. We had a nice crab and prawn dip to start with then ordered the specialty, which was basically a battered Saveloy on a bun.

I ate only the very tip of the hotdog, and left the rest of it and have been feeling ill as a result of that small morsel.

All photos, except for those of Yoders, are my own.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Birthday Wishlist

My birthday is coming up in early December, 28 again. It seems that youth is a disease from which we all recover.

The Colonel just couldn't keep the secret and told me what I am getting, so much for a surprise, but it's a good pressie so no complaints from me. Knowing what my gift is has not stopped me from dreaming about a birthday wishlist.

Wedgewood Jasperware, blue and white perfection.

Some of the goodies I would love are achievable, others are completely out of the realm of reality, yes I am talking about the MILLION dollar Veyron. Still a Countess can dream can't she?

Montblanc pen

The entire Rarities by Carol Brodie collection, (starting to get carried away)

Classic Mercedes Gullwing. I can see myself gadding about town in this little beauty.

The Bugatti Veyron takes my breath away. For a millon dollars, it should!

Having my Uzi dipped in Gold, how very fancy.

Indeed this list is flippant but a more sober list would be no fun at all and I am all about having a laugh.

All jokes aside the best gift would be a jaunt back to Australia to visit with my family who I miss terribly.

Why not in a private bedroom in Super first class on the Singapore Airlines Airbus A380 double decker? Sans all those men in the room of course, especially the one in the closet with a camera, sneaky!

I will remember the above picture next time I fly cattle class. Sob

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Carpe diem

Up at the crack of dawn, taking the car to a mechanic to fix something. No idea what that something was, The Colonel knows, the mechanic knows, just had to show up with the vehicle and trot off out of the way for an hour and a half. Easy peasy lemon squeasy as they say.

Walked over to a Starbucks to wait, gave car guy my mobile phone number, "Call me when it's ready".

Waiting, waiting.....falling asleep, so tired, massive headache. Wrote some Christmas cards out, read some of my book....4 hours later. No call.

Doctors appointment in Tampa, used to be a 10 minute drive from home, now its an hour away, such an inconvenience. Need car back or will be late, hate having to drive so far for a crumby appointment.

Living on the beach is tolerable, the sound of waves lapping against the shore at night is spectacular, living around 'Beach People', not so much.

Neighbours are a crusty old couple. He looks like a serial killer, she a barnacle encrusted old barge. Returned my friendly smiles with belligerant stares. Overheard the petulant lady yelling at someone in the street, 'No we didn't steal it'. Says it all really. House shot at by police first night, thieving neighbours. Missing old house in quiet neighbourhood.

Mozzie ridden rental is owned by the realtor who stole my cookies. Have a nasty insect bite on the corner of my eye, result of living in above mentioned insect hotel.

Most windows are broken, don't open or threaten to fall out if they open at all, making the place a sauna. The few that arn't in disrepair have no fly screen. In Florida, where the mosquito is the state bird, are you kidding me?

Got desperate a few times, at night its cold outside, but hot and sweaty inside, moments of weakness, opened windows, bugs took that as a formal rolling out of the welcome mat, bit me on the eye. Nasty little (expletive deleted).

Eye is sore and itchy, big and swollen. The dermatologist consulted today said if it gets bigger and vision gets blurry, go to the Emergency room. Sob.

She saw my Rosacea redness and heard how the cleanser prescribed did nothing. Must have IPL. She prescribed yet another gel. Bugger me. No help there at all.

Left Christmas cards on table at Starbucks. Some weirdo guy wearing camo pants*, (nut job) was sitting on other side of cafe. Went to utilise the facilities, came back to find him in the chair still warmed by good self. What else to do but leave and dawdle around Target then sit for yet more hours in the Target Starbucks waiting for a call that never came from grease monkey.

Returned to the garage, car was ready, said he had been calling for hours. He had written down an incorrect mobile phone number. (Expletives deleted).

Went back to Starbucks, expecting someone to have turned the Christmas cards in. No, they were gone. The guy who saw me get up, leave them, go to the toot then come back didn't think to say..."Oi you left these behind"? Or he stole them, or someone else stole them. Had written on some. A thieving miscreant is reading my personal notes to people. Feel so dirty. Who steals someone's Christmas cards?

Yes there was a nice picture on the front, a jaunty snowman and a bit of glitter, but really, to steal someones Chrissy cards? Talk about the Grinch, talk about Scrooge, talk about a complete loser.

Title quote from ode by Horace, Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero – "Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the future."

* In reference to the guy in camo pants. Nothing against people wearing camouflage, (The Colonel looks very good in camos with his red beret) if they are in the MILITARY. Random civilians walking around town wearing camos are usually creepy-serial killer, drug dealer, escaped mental patient, survivalist militia...get the drift?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bargearse- Part 6

This video is filled with typical Australian humour, so it therefore contains lots of hilarity. It also has a very large number of fart jokes and swearing. The meek may find it a bit too colourful, others will find it uproariously funny. I know I do.

The next blog post illustrates the reason I decided to post this here, well to make my doughnut story more interesting and do give my readers a very good laugh. :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

part 2. I dreamed that doughnuts were falling from the sky

I thought of Bargearse when I visited the Lighthouse Bakery here in Indian Rocks Beach today. The doughnuts were incredible.

Mine was Bavarian custard, The Colonel had some apple thing.

Yum Yum Yum to doughnuts, no no no to eating too many and ending up like our favourite porky copper, old Bargearse.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Call emergency, having just seen the new Carol Brodie line, I am about to pass out.

It is a well known fact that I am completely obsessed with the Carol Brodie jewelry line. Such a bountiful bevy of beautiful treasures. Ever since stumbling across HSN one day as the Capri rings were being presented I have been completely enamoured of the line and by Ms Brodie herself. What a dynamic and effervescent person she is, even taking the time to leave messages on my silly and inconsequential blog, how much more wonderful can she possibly get?

Having seen a snippet of what is to be presented on her next show, it would seem a whole lot more wonderful. Right now I believe I am having some kind of palpitations. No dear reader, I have not been 'overdoing' the ADHD meds again. It is simply a matter of seeing the most brilliant and breathtaking baubles, then seeing the tiny prices. Definately a valium moment, not talking about 2.5 mg here, this is a powder blue, 5 mg moment.

I have long been an avid admirer of a certain Italian designer called Marco Bicego. How many times have I wandered into Saks fifth ave drooling over his collections, only to know that were I to come home with any of that loot, the Colonel would have gone into a conniptive fit.

As it turns out he learned of my illicit Brodie habit and is not a happy camper. Typical military man. Large sums of money spent adding to the gun collection are perfectly acceptable, but even paltry sums spent on Jewelry are just beyond comprehension.

He did however get me a Rolex for my birthday which is 4 weeks away, so he is very kind really, it's just that he thinks having a ring or two is fine, just not every ring Ms Brodie designs.

Ms Brodie has just made me a very happy Countess indeed by creating some Bicego like rings with the textured gold around the lozenge shaped stone.

Others are doing the opaque stones at the moment. Opaques are stunning but I have not yet seen one that was not hideously ugly and without all the ghastly foofaraw. Trust Ms Brodie to bring us lovely opaque sapphires and rubies in a clean, simple and elegant setting. Classy!

A Brodie ring should be arriving in the post tomorrow, another has been just ordered but I am afraid my work here is not done, I am compelled to go back and order more. Someone call 911, save me from myself. NO, only joking, it would not be wise to get between me and my Brodies, I wouldn't want to have to scratch anyone up or something like that. Just saying, because I am way too pretty to go to gaol. ;)

The Collection is available on I am sure more delicious pieces will be added during the week. Many Brodie followers will no doubt be lurking on the web, waiting for new pieces to pop up. To any jewelry affictionados, there is something for everyone and so much of it is completely affordable.

Carol Brodie Rocks......Fact.

The Colonel gave me a lovely ruby engagement ring because I wanted something with colour and true rarity. There is a glut of diamonds in the world, yet pigeon blood red rubies are terribly rare. It's set in platinum but I have just been crazy about yellow metals of late, (going back to my Italian heritage) so I am thinking of sometimes wearing Ms Brodies Opaque Ruby in Vermeil instead. How lovely. So chic, so European, so marvellous. It's Brodie love!