He did however get me a Rolex for my birthday which is 4 weeks away, so he is very kind really, it's just that he thinks having a ring or two is fine, just not every ring Ms Brodie designs.
Ms Brodie has just made me a very happy Countess indeed by creating some Bicego like rings with the textured gold around the lozenge shaped stone.Others are doing the opaque stones at the moment. Opaques are stunning but I have not yet seen one that was not hideously ugly and without all the ghastly foofaraw. Trust Ms Brodie to bring us lovely opaque sapphires and rubies in a clean, simple and elegant setting. Classy!
A Brodie ring should be arriving in the post tomorrow, another has been just ordered but I am afraid my work here is not done, I am compelled to go back and order more. Someone call 911, save me from myself. NO, only joking, it would not be wise to get between me and my Brodies, I wouldn't want to have to scratch anyone up or something like that. Just saying, because I am way too pretty to go to gaol. ;)
The Collection is available on Hsn.com. I am sure more delicious pieces will be added during the week. Many Brodie followers will no doubt be lurking on the web, waiting for new pieces to pop up. To any jewelry affictionados, there is something for everyone and so much of it is completely affordable.
Carol Brodie Rocks......Fact.
The Colonel gave me a lovely ruby engagement ring because I wanted something with colour and true rarity. There is a glut of diamonds in the world, yet pigeon blood red rubies are terribly rare. It's set in platinum but I have just been crazy about yellow metals of late, (going back to my Italian heritage) so I am thinking of sometimes wearing Ms Brodies Opaque Ruby in Vermeil instead. How lovely. So chic, so European, so marvellous. It's Brodie love!
Thank you dahling... you make me look so good!! xo, Carol Brodie
ReplyDeleteThank you Ms Brodie, your magnificent jewels make me look and feel like a million bucks.
ReplyDeleteYep her collection is true to form -S.T.U.N.N.I.N.G
ReplyDeleteYou have good taste Ms Patrice! Must run in the family.
ReplyDeleteWhich pieces of her new collection are your favourites?
I'll go the opaque sapphire. It is very unique!
ReplyDeleteLucky you getting a Rolex for your birthday! I can imagine you driving around in an Aston Martin lavishly draped in Carol Brodies with a Rolex hugging your wrist! Very classy!
The Sapphire is lovely, I have to say though that the Ruby is my favourite.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Aston Martin's, did I tell you who just bought a new one?
You are sweet, but its more like I will be driving around in the Colonels blokey jeep, on a farm in gum boots, no make up, no jewelery and dirt on my face. Oink, oink.
However, when I do go into town, all the finery will come out and I will drive the vintage Volvo.
What is a Countess like me going to do on a farm Ms Patrice? Perhaps you will come to visit and find me in the garden pulling up carrots wearing my Brodie Citrine Capri ring. hahaha.
Please photograph yourself doing hard labour on a farm minus your finery. Now that I'd like to see.
ReplyDeleteYes you mentioned the Aston martin and the gold rolex and the Mcmansion!!!!
I'll have to pop over so you can serve me High Tea in between the weeding and hog feeding.
I don't think I am capable of hard labour.
ReplyDeleteImagine living without the finery, seriously if I start wearing a tracksuit everyday then I have lost the will to live. Well maybe it's ok If I pair that trakky's with some Brodie gems. :0
I really don't like pigs, I don't even eat pork, our farm will be a pig free zone!