A shocking development has taken place. One which frightens me to the core of my being. I am addicted. That’s right an addict. This Countess has become a devotee of the invigorating, fresh mountain air. Shocking but true. One could get used to this clean crisp stuff.
Once I was addicted to city smog like a smoker to nicotine. After a visit to China I told a friend that it was not at all smoggy. Sadly Beijing air is extremely polluted but being an habitual smog inhaler, I had no trouble climbing the Great Wall sucking in the murky haze, taking it in my stride. I just thought it was overcast. Seriously.

Some happy snaps from my jaunt to the Great Wall in Beijing.
There is something so enchanting about walking outside and being assailed with clean air. Just to take a deep breath of that airy goodness, while enjoying the view of mountains and trees is fast burgeoning into a love of the country.
The pop and crackle of a wood stove is also growing on me. After having a delivery of wood this week our wood shed is piled up with various kinds of logs.
We plan on cutting on our fire wood from the dense woods around us during spring time. Hopefully we won’t have to buy wood again but will source it from our own land. No more heating bills, liberation! Not to mention more money to spend on life’s little luxuries, like Carol Brodie jewels.

Another stunner from Brodie. I want to get my mitts on this one!
It was hard work stacking all that wood but after the labour was completed each day I would draw a hot bath with lavender scented Epsom salts to relieve aching muscles.
After a stay in Japan I embraced the whole bath culture. Trouble is the bath tubs I had until now were not the deep kind used in Japan. You know the ones you can lay fully stretched out in with water almost up to the chin? That is truly rapturous.

Traditional style Japanese Bath.Japanese woodblock; Lady at Bath.
We have an antique claw foot tub that is very deep and luxurious. A nice glass of chocolate wine, a good book and some lavender scented soap and all of a sudden country life becomes a blissfully dreamy dream.
The large deck outside our bedroom will be furnished with some outdoor couches and tables so we can sit out there and enjoy the scenery and especially breathe in the sublime air.
Country life maybe I should give you a chance after all.
I hate baths. It's like soaking in your own filth and grime. That's just me though.
ReplyDeleteit's great that you are starting to enjoy your surroundings.
Japanese style is that you have a shower first. You wash off all the grit and grime, then get into the bath to soak and relax. That's the way I do it.