When I returned to the dentist and relayed my sorry experience it was met with a simple shrug of the shoulders.

Self portrait.
I have never in my life seen such a complete and utter lack of quality programming on the TV. We have cable with hundreds of stations and it seems that all of them screen absolute rubbish. When I eagerly look forward to Seinfeld each day, even though I have seen every episode multiple times, one knows something is lacking. When the highlight of my viewing week is the most degenerate, degrading, intellectually comatose reality program, Rock of love 1, Rock of Love 2 and Rock of love Bus, then really the situation has reached critical mass. If watching a washed up old has been pop star (Bret Michaels) who wears more make up than most drag queens, attempting to find a love interest among a bevy of skanky strippers and porn stars, is the only thing entertaining on telly, then things have reached an all time low. What I wouldn't give for a night's viewing of the ABC or SBS. No one here knows what Inspector Rex is, much less cares.
Will I ever find a decent dentist who does not cause more pain then necessary, who does not create more problems every time a procedure is done? I should add that the teeth where the crown was fitted hurt frequently, as opposed to pre-dental work when they did not hurt, AT ALL. Additionally, cavities worked on by the Butcher of Bombay have also been the source of much grievance when previously they were the source of NONE.
I have made the rule never to use expletives in my blog, it was with great restraint, and some backspacing that I have managed to carry it off in this post. The words in capitals however do denote shouting.
MY FAMILY IS NOT HERE and I miss them terribly.
What I like about America.
No one here knows who Kevin Rudd is.
Home shopping channels.
Suck it up buttercup!!
ReplyDeleteThat bit about your teeth is vile, thanks a lot. I mean really, THANKS A LOT.
Dye your hair black. Since going black I have never looked back. Well, I have to dye it every fortnight otherwise the grey rears its ugly head, but apart from that brilliant. I say brilliant because there is no brass and no breakage.
Don't watch tv...just read or stay on the internet. Take up quilting, crochet or macramé or something? TV is crap wherever you go. That's why I don't watch it. Well, I sort of am lying because I watch cartoons and documentaries.
Buttercup, why that is a very good description for my haircolour right now.
ReplyDeleteI would love to dye my hair dark like you, but it's not a very attractive look on me. I look pale and wan with dark hair and quite frankly can't stand another round of people constantly telling me I look sick.
Also, one of my many blessings is my super oily hair. Lovely huh? Super dry skin which I struggle to keep hydrated, and oily hair. Swap them over and I would be happy as a pig in mud. With no bleach in my hair the limpid locks are greasy, flat and downright bogan. So I am in a rather bothersome situation.
The TV situation is not so easy. I don't watch it during the day but in the evening when the Colonel comes home, he wants to watch Telly together. It would be a bit anti-social for me to hide in my room reading the whole time he is home. I tend to jump on the internet at night when he is in bed and I am up due to yet another one of my manifold blessings, chronic insomnia.
Life is increasingly banal and jejune, all the more so when I have to go through it with vibrant yellow hair.
I'ts the documentaries I miss the most. I loved SBS because they always had good ones. There are some stations here like History International that infrequently will have a good one on. Mostly it's all freaking HITLER stuff though. I can't stand it.
ReplyDeleteOccasionally BBCA, which is a totally rubbish version of BBC, will play some interesting docos. I love the one on people who have objectum problems. They fall in love with objets, seriously. They are always asperger sufferers. completely disturbing stuff.
Hey I just noticed how nice my computer is. What's a good looking keypad like you doing in a place like this?
ReplyDeleteAspie's and their obsessions. I will go check uot that URL.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right about your haircolour dark. I feel that you lost your Chichi when you went dark. It made your eyes stand out but it was no chichi.
Go forth and find a suitable hairdresser who knows how to use the combination of bleach and toner. You want a soft creamy blonde without a nasty brassy aftertaste.
Miss chichi shall live again minus the Edmond fringe.....mwuhahahaha
They girls make Fritzl appear somewhat normal if that could ever be. The Berlin Wall??? Bet she was pissed off that people have made souvenirs of her husband. He's spread all around the globe now - he's such a cheating man-slut.
ReplyDeleteAspie chicks prefer inanimate objects?
Oh hello there Mr Hair Straightener...oh baby you're so HOT
Apparently guys are into it too. There was a second doco about men who really really loved their cars. Gross, this one guy kept jacking off over people's car. Ewwwwwwww.
ReplyDeleteAs for the hair, I went from Marilyn Monroe to Paula friggin Yates. My Myra Hindley haircut really sets off the yellow tones nicely...NOT.
Actually your haircolour reminds me of some junkie I saw down Smith st.
ReplyDeleteOh yeh that is lovely. Thanks Tampa hairdresser for making me look like a Smith street junkie, with a Myra Hindley do. I feel so friggin fashionable.