Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Cane Toad invasion grows in strengh, they are going to take over Tampa!

High Drama here in Tampa. The cane toads have discovered the food I put out for the feral cats and are eating it all. Not only are my precious feral kitties being robbed of their dinner, the hideous toads are growing fatter and bigger from their stolen fare.

I don't mind the Opossums having some, am quite happy when Dame Judi Dench the racoon pops over for a spot of tucker on the front porch. They are all God's creatures, great and small as James Herriot would say. One must make clear though, that the hand of friendship does not extend to the evil cane toad

.My evening was spent out the front chasing the bigger one and three smaller ones away from the kitty food with a broom, looking like a lunatic. I wacked one pretty hard, managed to squish another. It's a really awful business, but I simply will not allow them to make Robert Mugabe go hungry, or his urchin mate, Danny Quinn.

Die Cane Toads, DIE!


  1. That thing is fucking feral. Sorry to stain your blog with profanity but.....that thing is wrong.
    Seriously, it was belted with the feral stick.
    I feel sorry for you having those ugly c**ts in your back-yard. They should be made extinct for being ugly as well as for cat food stealing.

  2. What the heck are those big brown lumps? Oh my word I think I will have to delete that picture because it's making me sick.

    They are all over the place. One jumped on my foot when we were outside for 4th of July. Amputation was considered, Mike thought I should put some more thought into that remedy.
