The past few days the Colonel and I have been dog sitting a lovely black lab, Sabrina the Wunderdog. The owners were called away suddenly to a funeral in Atlanta.
Sabrina had spent some time at a kennel recently and it was not a happy event. She didn't eat and almost ran over her owner in her desperation to get out of the canine stalag. Taking her back was a sorry option. I am really happy we could help out with her accomodations. She was spoiled rotten at Palazzo Chichi, such as a dignified lady of ripe old age deserves.

Apart from being the most gorgeous and loveable dog, Sabrina is a certified cat hater. My poor cats have been terrorised and traumatised to the edge of reason. The seemingly docile animal turns into a vicious beast upon hearing the pitty patter of dainty, or not so dainty kitty feet. I had to throw myself around Sabrina's neck to save my beloved Runty from being pounced upon and turned into a feline appetizer.
Romeo is quite the pork chop express, to add to his misfortunes, he is a ginger. Life has been tough for the poor little tacker. Him ever having the speed to run past and squeeze his rotund butt through the kitty door in less time than it takes a hunting dog to swallow him whole, is doubtful. It was only by Sabrina's good graces that he was able to squeeze his portly ginger self out before she took a chomp.

Runty, Tiger, (Runty's mum) and Romeo. All clearly built for comfort, not speed.
When cars do approach I have to walk up onto the grass and avoid the cane toads, get my feet wet, receive multiple mozzie bites as this place is swarming with them and so on. Surely my long suffering reader, you get the picture.
I spent a year living in Werribee. Yes I hear you gasp, the S*&t farm town, bogan epicentre of the known universe, and guess what? There were footpaths everywhere. Will some one please explain to a bewildered Countess why there is a lack of cement for those of us who would like to 'pound the pavement'? Why those ferals in Werribee, too drunk to walk in a straight line, need perfect pavement when decent folk from respectable families must walk all over the front lawns of others just to give the dog's legs a stretch, is beyond me.
We don't even have many, if any drains here, which may be good as I have been warned to keep the dog away from them. Why? I so innocently asked, 'Because Aligators come up from them and get the dogs'. Charming! Just another quaint little detail about my adopted land that makes me quiver with joy at my decision to move here.
While there are no drains, there are ditches. They run along next to the houses, fill up with water which may contain the odd aligator, but mostly serve as breeding grounds for mozzies. I believe that the mosquito is the state bird of Florida, or it should be. They are everywhere and I can't walk outside these days without getting covered in nasty, itchy bites. I hate it.
Ditch, such as the one running alongside my house, A perfect mosquito breeding place.
The first night Miss Brina was here I made up the spare bed and slept with her so she wouldn't be too disturbed and lonely away from her family. Last night I couldn't face the idea of getting back into the now dog fur infested sheets, so I turned the radio on to keep her company and gave her loads of cat toys to play with, or to use to pick up the scents she could hunt them down with the next day. She behaved with such ladylike aplomb, nary a whimper from her all night. Sabrina is a true Southern Belle.
Today there seems to be some kind of uneasy truce between dog and cats, so the Countess can cut back on the valium! A couple of times today small furry figures darted past. I thought a bloodbath would ensue only to see her staring but not even growling. What a champ.
Sabrina goes home tomorrow and I will miss her and her soft as velvet, midnight black fur. My cat's however will be really very happy to see the back of her tail.
Sabrina's diet while visiting consisted of a small portion of her own food, larger portion of cat food eaten surreptiously, Arby's popcorn chicken and a little bit of salami. She is on a diet but visiting here was kind of like being at a resort and no one loses weight while on holiday, well unless they get malaria, or the dengue or something like that.
Goodbye Sabrina, I will miss you.
Christ you're funny. What a hilarious post! I particularly liked the suggestion of the mozzie becoming the state bird of Florida. Tell me, would these mozzie's be able to carry off small children? If so, I'm booking flights!
Mary, doubtful the super mozzies would be able to abscond with a small child. Unless they reach plague proportions and attack en masse that is. Considering the frogs and locqusts terrorising Tampa, the idea of a Biblical plague is not so remote to me anymore.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, I would not want your children in particular to disappear. There is a plethora of kids here, snotty nosed, rude little brats, far more deserving of being carried away by the mozzies, owls, aligators! Ok that was a bit much.
From your writing, your kids sound Plucky and feisty. I love a child with a bit of pluck. The flamboyant personality that at 10 months old is able to say...'I'm Dying' has won me over. I adore that child. Working it from such an extreme angle. Is it hypocondria? Is it intense need for attention? Either way, that child has learnt at 10 months what took me years to realise. I say, Child prodigy!
Life is so much less fun without the drama, the embellishment, the realisation that the truth should never ever get in the way.
I am ranting now, but I just love the spark I see in your kids. The Von Trapp brood needs a right good smacking, but your lively lot need to keep up the antics so I can read about them online and laugh my considerable bosoms off!
I adore you!!
ReplyDeleteHypochondria, gayish queen tendencies and DIY's sum up my brood. I think the water was contaminated throughout each one of my pregnancies or perhaps the champagne was just simply flat.
They confuse me with their wiring.
Dog = cute
ReplyDeleteDitch = health hazard
Personally I would pour heaps of chlorine bleach or any other toxic chemical into the ditches to kill mosquito larvae and any other creature. They all need to die and die fast. What's with the tractor in half in the ditch?
My hair has been bleached to within an inch of it's life, perhaps dipping my head in the ditch will be enough to kill them all. I heard that the council was going to spray for the mozzies this year but didn't. Losers.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why the tractor is there, it was kind of weird, that's why I took a photo of it. Looks like it's in the middle of the country but it's just in the street here.
Mary, I think you and your offspring might be from a long lost branch of my family. Hypocondria, gayish queen tendencies, SNAP that sounds all too familiar.
Champagne during pregnancy is completely harmless, in fact it just gives the little darlings a taste for the good things in life. My mother drank, smoked and took plenty of sedatives when pregnant with me, and look how perfectly normal and well adjusted I turned out! ;)
Um you forgot the Amphetamine that she was prescribed by her Obstetrician whilst she was pregnant with me! Her Obs put her on appetite suppressants because she was overweight. In those days it was meth.
ReplyDeleteOh the good old days when the good stuff was thrown around like candy.
ReplyDeleteThese days it's all so different and health conscious. Bruce Lee was healthy, to the point of being a MACHINE. He took a simple painkiller and died. Seriously. All that denial, hard work and training to get topped by a painkiller. I bet he was wishing he let loose and ate a Big Mac sometimes.
I read news reports that the military was trying to ban smoking. Seriously, are they worried about their health? I can tell you this for free, cigarettes will kill you, but not as fast as a bullet or an effing bomb. Apparently Hitler also tried to ban smoking among his armed forces. If he were so concerned about their health and well being he perhaps should have considered not a ban on smoking but say a ban on WW2!
You turned out wonderfully after having feasted on an embryonic drug/alcohol cocktail, surely it can't be all that bad.
You forgot to mention gas chambers. They will kill you faster than smoking ever will. Hitler may of hated smoking but he sure loved gas chambers. David Irving will probably differ but he is just a Nazi sympathizing c**t.