Sunday, July 26, 2009


We had heavy rains all day in Tampa today, causing the street in front of my house to flood.

The ditch next the house was overflowing. In Florida that can mean aligators, hope none show up and eat my cats, but some of those bothersome neighbourhood kids won't be missed. By me at least.

Ditch next to my house.

Crazy ADD boy from up the street was frolicking in the dirty water despite being yelled at and called home. No one came out to get him though, amazing. He was running around unfettered in the street diving into the water on the road and in the ditch, what a filthy little urchin. Some kids just need to be medicated!

My neighbour and his kids on the ATV, they can't be seen behind the wall of water. That's ADD boy in front.

The house can now go on the market as waterfront property, literally. The neighbours were carousing up and down the street on their ATV, what a lot of fun, I need to get one of those.

The Colonel making a splash!


  1. What's the colonel on? A speed boat? His recumbent bike? Sounds like you folk all had such a swell time YEEHAW!

  2. He drove the Jeep through it, fast enough to make the water go up, I was out there laughing like a kid yelling at him to drive faster!! What a couple of bogans.
