Our two new dogs arrived today. It was so sad to see their owner part with them. She tearfully helped me get them into the Jeep. Getting a couple of chubby mutts into a high two door car is no easy task.

My editing tools; Ruby Pencils.
All those tears yesterday were for nothing. The wine used to drown my sorrows was completely well worth it though.
Wait, I have even more good news. A lady I work with is moving to Nebraska and is unable to take her dogs with her. When she told me I was so upset for the poor mutts who were about to be shipped off to the pound. One is a pure bred Basset Hound, I know he will be adopted in the wink of an eye. The other is a Bitsa, (bitsa this, bitsa that) and quite an old girl at that. The poor love had been adopted from a shelter over 7 years ago after languishing in the canine prison for over 6 months. When hearing the story I could not help but offer to take them. Might as well keep them together.
I am on the waiting list to adopt a German Shepherd from the pound as I just can't bring myself to purchase one from the puppy mills. I guess now I will have to wait as 4 cats and three dogs would really be over doing it, even for me.
Thank goodness for 40 acres of woodland for the dogs to romp around in. I met the dogs today and they are lovely. They didn't try to kill my cats so that is a very good thing. I wonder if they will all coexist happily or if the cats will wage war on the new mutts.
Mrs. Slocombe has been doing very well and the other cats are not too bothered by her, but so much change at once is going to be very stressful for my little darlings.
I love American food, especially the stuff which is really, really bad for one's health, sadly.
2. The Countess consumes extraordinary amounds of Cadbury Creme Eggs.
3. My Peeps come to visit.
I really need to control my impulse buying. Today I went out to do some errands on a much appreciated day off. I came home with the groceries, the post, and a new cat.
We already have three of them, this new acquisition makes me an official crazy cat lady. I wonder if they have a guild I can join.
I stopped by the animal shelter to volunteer my copyediting and proofreading services. I have read their newsletter and could barely keep my ruby red pencil in my pocket, I wanted to start scribbling on it immediately to correct grammatical errors.
In Tampa, I spent some time doing volunteer work at the local shelter but I had to give it up. It was just too heartbreaking for me. I wanted every dog that came in and cried when I couldn't save them all. By using my copyediting skills, I can volunteer in some small way at least.
While waiting to speak to someone regarding this, I wandered over to the cat area. I was asking for trouble. How could I not come home with a new addition to the family?
I chose a very friendly cat with a stumpy tail. A 'special' cat. Not only did her half-a-tail tug on my heartstrings, but she was the friendliest one, coming up to me for lots of attention.
She was put into a cardboard box carrier, a very unglamourous mode of transport I might add, and placed on the front seat of the Jeep, after I had moved the shopping. She was so well behaved on the way home, but she did disgrace herself I am sorry to say. I am afraid the malodorous odour she left on the front seat will remain for some time. Oh dear.
We have called her Mrs. Slocombe, in honour of my favourite character from 'Are you Being Served.' Currently, she is ensconced under the kitchen counter, refusing to pose for photographs or be interviewed. Hopefully she will soon consent to a photo shoot so you can all see what a cutie-pie she is!
Rose Hancock-Porteous or a tranny, can't be quite sure. http://www.theage.com.au/ffximage/2005/09/30/rose_porteous_wideweb__430x267.jpg
Muddy wheels on the jeep.
We had colder temperatures today and as it happens, quite a bit of snow. Not pleasant conditions to be stuck in. Up the road I went, jouncing all over the place, quite enjoying myself while the car wobbled frenetically all over the road.
Luna Park, photograph is my own.
Reality struck quite violently when the back of the Jeep spun to the left and turned the car swiftly. From the drivers seat I could see the steep drop down the side of the mountain. It had been to my right, now it was directly in front of me.
Hitting the brakes, I managed to avoid completely going over the side, well the trees I hit helped also. Fortunately, my blokey bush Jeep is equipped with a massive bumper bar so no damage was sustained. I did however get bogged and had a very difficult time getting out. By the time I got home I was wet and cold and covered in mud. My fancy threads were looking more light brown than black. How on earth did I manage to get mud on my crotch? That is one of life's mysteries that quite frankly, I don't care to know the answer to.
The jeep is encrusted with the sticky substance that looks remarkably like the contents of a baby's nappy. The road is full of deep ruts and dangerous crevices. Driving up and down is an adventure indeed. Coming home with the shopping yesterday was a particularly spectacular ride. Jouncing around like the Energizer Bunny, the car was all over the place and I almost went off the road a couple of times. Surprisingly the eggs made it home unscathed. I was sure they would have been smashed up in the turbulent ride.
The paycheck is welcome right now for this Countess does like to shop. I can't help it, Carol Brodie will insist upon selling gorgeous gems that must be owned!
A new piece in the Rarities collection by Carol Brodie. How scrumptious. Just the piece I need around my neck as I traverse the muddy trails.
The problem is, I arrive at work in all my Countess finery each day, with crusty patches of dried mud spoiling my fancy ensemble. I take a wet hand towel to wipe some of it off but somehow scraps of mud always seem to escape my eye. I must look like such a hobo.
My application to obtain my teaching credentials is underway. There has been a ridiculous delay that has my blood boiling. As a foreign educated teacher I need to have my academic transcripts evaluated. It has cost almost 300 dollars so far. Crikey!
It has taken way too long so I called up student records at Melbourne University today. I was told that a piece of my application was missing. Had anyone contacted me to request it? No. The worst part is that I had in fact included the document in my original application. They lost it. Oh it was nothing important, only a photocopy of my drivers licence! I take solace in the fact that the University of Melbourne is so careful with confidential information. I mean, it's not like Identity theft happens everyday is it?
They tried to tell me that I had not included the document with my application. Ummmm..it was STAPLED to the application. What craziness is going on over there?
Right now I am busy working on starting up my new venture, an editing and proofreading business, and my department store job. Perhaps I may decide not to go back to teaching at all, I am considering it.
Romeo staying close to home.
Tiger in her fortress of solitude.
Runty should have some supervision on his first outing so I keep going outside to follow him around like an over protective mother! Just being outside soaking up all the natural beauty makes me a happy camper indeed, and I keep finding reasons for having to go out there.
In Florida it was unbearable to be outside for at least 9 months of the year, unless one likes being bathed in perspiration that is. It is simply too inelegant to persipire, so I kept myself tucked away in an air-conditioned enviroment.
Being able to get out and walk around, do some gardening, go for a walk or even just sit and enjoy the fresh air is something I have not been able to do for years. No longer do I open the door to be assaulted by a thick wall of oppressive humidity.
Getting back to work right now, after having wasted so much time is one option, putting on my sun hat and heading back outside to witness Runty frolicking through the brush is another. Now where did I leave my hat...
Despite slowly transforming into a crazy cat lady, I’m no cat whisperer. If only I could read his kitty thoughts. Well perhaps that would not be a fine skill to possess as I am sure Romeo’s mind would be shouting invectives at the crazy cat lady outside the window, waving a camera in his little face. Romeo is such a hater you see.
If looks could kill.
As we were having visitors in the late afternoon, I made Lemon Yo-Yo's for afternoon tea. They were very tasty, well the one that I had was anyway. I would have liked to sample a few more but the Colonel insisted our guests take any remaining biscuits home with them.
How very nice of him. He assured them that we, and by we he meant me, could make some more. Certainly, what a lovely idea it would have been had I not used the last of my custard powder to make that particular batch. Custard powder is a distinctly British/Australian item, its not sold on the shelves here. How very nice of the Colonel to give the remaining ones away, why am I not smiling?