Mud, mud, mud. How I loathe that stuff. The snow has melted away leaving that murky mess in its place. There is so much mud up here I could open up a spa, specializing in mud masks. Perhaps I could romp around outside in my gumboots pretending to be an old hippie at Woodstock.
The jeep is encrusted with the sticky substance that looks remarkably like the contents of a baby's nappy. The road is full of deep ruts and dangerous crevices. Driving up and down is an adventure indeed. Coming home with the shopping yesterday was a particularly spectacular ride. Jouncing around like the Energizer Bunny, the car was all over the place and I almost went off the road a couple of times. Surprisingly the eggs made it home unscathed. I was sure they would have been smashed up in the turbulent ride.

A part of me quite enjoys the drive. I get carried away and imagine I am racing in the World Rally Car Championship, or racing around the mountain at Bathurst. Look out Peter Brock, Countess Chichi is coming and her Tod's wearing feet are made of lead!
The Colonel used the tractor to even out a part of the road, it's lovely, but there is a big section that needs to be worked on. Come on Colonel, get on that tractor and get to work, this Countess is not made for driving in the mud. I used to drive a Peugeot for crying out loud. My darling little car, called Zsa Zsa, was a metallic red beauty. She had only been on civilised city roads, much like me, until now.


The paycheck is welcome right now for this Countess does like to shop. I can't help it, Carol Brodie will insist upon selling gorgeous gems that must be owned!
A new piece in the Rarities collection by Carol Brodie. How scrumptious. Just the piece I need around my neck as I traverse the muddy trails.
The problem is, I arrive at work in all my Countess finery each day, with crusty patches of dried mud spoiling my fancy ensemble. I take a wet hand towel to wipe some of it off but somehow scraps of mud always seem to escape my eye. I must look like such a hobo.
My application to obtain my teaching credentials is underway. There has been a ridiculous delay that has my blood boiling. As a foreign educated teacher I need to have my academic transcripts evaluated. It has cost almost 300 dollars so far. Crikey!
It has taken way too long so I called up student records at Melbourne University today. I was told that a piece of my application was missing. Had anyone contacted me to request it? No. The worst part is that I had in fact included the document in my original application. They lost it. Oh it was nothing important, only a photocopy of my drivers licence! I take solace in the fact that the University of Melbourne is so careful with confidential information. I mean, it's not like Identity theft happens everyday is it?
They tried to tell me that I had not included the document with my application. was STAPLED to the application. What craziness is going on over there?
Right now I am busy working on starting up my new venture, an editing and proofreading business, and my department store job. Perhaps I may decide not to go back to teaching at all, I am considering it.
Wearing mud and jewels at the same time? Is that allowed in the fashion world? Posh hobo could be a new trend. Trend alert!
ReplyDeleteI like that, posh hobo, I can pretend that is the look I am going for. You know like when someone falls over and then says that they meant to do it. Ms P you fashionista, looks like you came up with my new favourite trend.
ReplyDeleteThere is not really mud at my place, it's just the road. The problem is that we have a gate half way down. I have to get out and wade in the mud to unlock, drive through, then lock again. I hate it. Our neighbour is fussy about the gate being locked so thats why I do it. Were it just up to myself and the Colonel I would leave it open to keep the couture clean!
We get trespassers up here, the cheeky buggers. There were people riding around on ATV's the other day. They access our road to the government land. We don't mind that so much but in hunting season losers come up here to hunt, never mind that we live here and we could get shot by a stray bullet. Morons.
That's why we have the gate, to stop them from driving up to our front yard to park their cars while they hunt on our property. People actually do that you see. Complete and utter losers. If anyone tries that on my watch they might find that the tires have been shot out when they return, courtesy of my good friend Uzi.