Finally, a day off. It seems that I have been constantly working the past week. I slept in until midday and spent the rest of the day tooling around.
"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade." ~Charles Dickens
"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade." ~Charles Dickens

To my great delight, I found some flowers in bloom out in the garden. Violets, a favourite of mine, and some pretty white ones, I have no idea what they are. Tulips are begining to come up, the lilac tree is budding, the garden is just about to burst into vibrant life!

This is my first spring up on the mountain so I have not seen the garden in full bloom. It is exciting watching all the changes going on out there!

I found this giant ant hill, crawling with bull ants. I got too close and had the little buggers crawling on my feet, oh no! They have such nasty, stinging bites too. Lesson learned, never wear Birkenstocks around an ant hill. What a moron. The Colonel had to come and rescue me, then retrieve the Birki's which I had kicked off in a frenzy while trying to shake the ants off my feet.
"Now every field is clothed with grass, and every tree with leaves; now the woods put forth their blossoms, and the year assumes its gay attire." ~Virgil
The flowers which resemble tulips (white and blue ones close to the ground) are Crocus. I have them in my garden but due to warmish winters they have not flowered. I love them and you can get varieties which produce saffron. Just don't go eating the ones you have as they are toxic unless they are the one saffron variety. Ask at a garden centre.
ReplyDeleteI love it when plants bud in spring. It would be even more noticeable where you are due to snow and it being a wilderness area.
I remember when I lived in Bendigo that I used to go to remote country areas and find native orchids. All areas on the planet have native orchids so keep a look out on your property for some. If you find some then take photos to send to me. I am an orchid slut.
Crocus, of course! I remember those.
ReplyDeleteI hope we find some wild orchids, that would be special. We found hundreds of wild Huckleberry bushes when we went walking. They are everywhere, very expensive berries too I might add. The Moose and Deer love them so we will have to pick some before they all get eaten by our Woodland friends.
Speaking of Deer, those things are bloody rampant right now. There were so many out tonight, running all over the place as I was driving home.