Rose Hancock-Porteous or a tranny, can't be quite sure. http://www.theage.com.au/ffximage/2005/09/30/rose_porteous_wideweb__430x267.jpg
Yesterday I blogged about tearing up the mountain like Peter Brock, only without the mad driving skills. Perhaps I was tempting fate as today the mud had its revenge. It was not entirely my fault, I hasten to add. The mud is so thick and sloppy that if I drive too slow the car will get stuck. This necessitates my ascending with a bit of speed. My lead foot dictates that I drive up the tortuous road with perhaps a little more speed than is strictly needed.
Going up is a far bumpier experience than going down. I quite enjoy the whole bouncing around bit, it makes me feel like the Leyland Brothers travelling all over the countryside. Click here to listen to the Leyland Brothers theme tune.

Muddy wheels on the jeep.
We had colder temperatures today and as it happens, quite a bit of snow. Not pleasant conditions to be stuck in. Up the road I went, jouncing all over the place, quite enjoying myself while the car wobbled frenetically all over the road.

Luna Park, photograph is my own.
Reality struck quite violently when the back of the Jeep spun to the left and turned the car swiftly. From the drivers seat I could see the steep drop down the side of the mountain. It had been to my right, now it was directly in front of me.
Hitting the brakes, I managed to avoid completely going over the side, well the trees I hit helped also. Fortunately, my blokey bush Jeep is equipped with a massive bumper bar so no damage was sustained. I did however get bogged and had a very difficult time getting out. By the time I got home I was wet and cold and covered in mud. My fancy threads were looking more light brown than black. How on earth did I manage to get mud on my crotch? That is one of life's mysteries that quite frankly, I don't care to know the answer to.
I'm home safe and sound in front of a lovely wood fire, but am slightly worried about going the way of Grace Kelly next time. Should I end up driving off the side of the mountain you can rest assured dear reader, I will be Yeehawing all the way to the bottom.
The moment I saw the photograph I knew! Tears of joy streaming down my face from start to finish. I was concerned about your wellbeing while the images streamed through my imagination like something from "National Lampoon". Have you written anything yet about American christmas lights? Then as I was about to leave the blog site I chanced upon the caption underneath Rose's photo ... there is no one quite like you and I miss that!
ReplyDeleteThank you Juanita, It makes me happy to give someone else a laugh.
ReplyDeleteChristmas lights is a great idea, will keep that in mind for the future. You are always so kind, I count myself fortunate to have found you again.
Lucky you're not dead. Btw, Rose is a Scorpio as well as being a survivor.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the correction Ms P. Glad to be alive too!