Sunday, March 7, 2010

Going Runty

. Up close and Personal.

Since moving to the mountain our 3 cats have been kept indoors. We worry about them going outside and ending up as snacks for some of the wild animals that roam these woods.

The cats just hate being inside all day and I can't stand to see them prowling around doors trying to bolt out. It must be so miserable to be locked in the house all day when outside the windows they can see lush grass, which they so love to eat.

Today I finally gave in and let them dart outside to explore the new surrounds. Two of them were completely freaked out and refused to go off exploring. They stood just outside the doorway and ran back in when I tried to close the door. Once inside they whined and cried, wanting the door to be opened again. It might be convenient for them to have doors left ajar, but there are way too many flies around to allow the kitties this little indulgence. What a couple of pusscakes they are.

Romeo staying close to home.

I finally got them out and shut the door before they could run in. Tiger, or as I prefer to call her, Princess Bitch-Face, ran straight under the deck and hid there, whilst Romeo refused to leave the deck, staying very close to the door.

Tiger in her fortress of solitude.

The dauntless Runty was the only one with the courage to go out. He has been all over the yard, around the pond chasing birds, harrassing squirrels and laying in the sun. I caught him stalking the two Blue Jays who like to eat from our bird feeder.

I have so much work to do right now. My editing business, once small, is going online. The expansion has begun, look out world, bad grammar everywhere is going to be hunted down and eradicated!

Being a computer simpleton, I had to use to build the page as everything else is way too hard. It is a work in progress but hopefully it will end up being slick and professional and facilitate my editing business becoming a much bigger enterprise. The older I get, it seems the more I enjoy checking grammar. Perhaps it is some kind of mental disorder. *wink*
Despite my plans to really do some hard work on the page today, I keep getting distracted by all the goings on outdoors. The birds are producing a symphony of harmonious sounds, the Blue Jays are hanging around the house, little finches are darting hither and thither. Everywhere I look there is something beautiful to see.

Runty should have some supervision on his first outing so I keep going outside to follow him around like an over protective mother! Just being outside soaking up all the natural beauty makes me a happy camper indeed, and I keep finding reasons for having to go out there.

In Florida it was unbearable to be outside for at least 9 months of the year, unless one likes being bathed in perspiration that is. It is simply too inelegant to persipire, so I kept myself tucked away in an air-conditioned enviroment.

Being able to get out and walk around, do some gardening, go for a walk or even just sit and enjoy the fresh air is something I have not been able to do for years. No longer do I open the door to be assaulted by a thick wall of oppressive humidity.

Getting back to work right now, after having wasted so much time is one option, putting on my sun hat and heading back outside to witness Runty frolicking through the brush is another. Now where did I leave my hat...



  1. The scenery there looks breathtaking. The birds are beautiful. It's good that you are not being Fritzl with the cats but there is a danger that a mountain lion might consider them dinner.

    Do you have many editing jobs?

  2. The cats have to be in by sunset. The predators come out then looking for dinner. As long as the cats stay around the house and don't go to far out into the bush it should be ok. If I see a mountain lion prowling around my kitties I might have to get the UZI out.

  3. A couple of small jobs at the moment, but hopefully that will expand soon.
