Finally, a range of clothing available here in the USA that is exactly my style. On HSN yesterday there was a new line called M Wynne. I was frothing at the mouth looking at all the wonderful pieces.
Since moving to the USA it has been a complaint of mine that one cannot find the arty, European look that I love. The M Wynne collection is just that. OOOH La La.
I am lusting over the Origami Vest, Sweater Shrug, which can be worn as a skirt and a poncho also, the flip cardy...heck the whole lot. If only one had not been driven to near penury by the Carol Brodie collection, perhaps these fabulous garments would be in my grubby little hands.

Does one take solace in the fact that finally the fancy outfits of my desire are available (without the cost of International shipping) or, be distraught that having spent too much dosh on Carol Brodie's extravagant baubles one is now too skint to buy them?
In the words of Freddie Mercury, " I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now."
Pictures taken from HSN.COM
Your Carol Brodies were worth it. Clothing styles date, jewels do not. Clothing wears out whilst jewels continue to sparkle year after year.
ReplyDeleteIf you desire the aforementioned items so much then buy a piece at a time? Yes? Anyway you would sweat like a pig (well actually pigs do not have sweat glands) wearing those stylish cardies in Florida. Wait until you move to Idaho, there the climate will allow you to ooze style.
True Miss P, very true. The winter time here would be the time to wear those lovely duds, trouble is, winter lasts for 3 months. The rest of the year is hot. Fortunately where we are moving to in Idaho is quite an arty little enclave so I can still wear nice garments, well except when on the farm. Can you imagine me in the striped sleeve scarf doing a bit of work on the property, with Burberry gum boots of course. Green acres here we come.
ReplyDeleteStill I love this collection, what do you think of it Miss P?
I would buy a piece of a time but I am literally paying off that Brodie stuff for the next few months. It was way more $$$ than I would normally put on some baubles, but when I saw the Capri rings, I couldn't resist. I wear them everyday too, and look luxe so it was worth it.
Perhaps I can convince the Colonel to invest in my new wardrobe?
Ooohie! I like the 2nd one!!
ReplyDeleteThe second one is so fancy. Got to love that.
ReplyDeletePersonally I prefer the adaptable shrug i.e the first one. That embodies style and you would like a pig in shit whilst sipping a latte at the Farmers market/art exhibition. The second one needs a built in sleevelet then it would be a knock-out. Why don't you just go and order the Romance was Born Snowflake cape so you can do Ozzy Osbourne impersonations like FH? Wock n' woll
ReplyDeleteThe second one can be worn with something that has sleeves underneath, to avoid the bingo wings look Miss P. :)
ReplyDeleteRomance was dead cape, bad idea, very very bad idea. Perhaps it would make a suitable burial shroud, but not as something one would wear whilst there is still a faint pulse left.
Hmmm a funeral shroud? That could just work. FH kinda looks like she's dead anyway. No wait, a corpse has more life. Oh Miss Patrice you are such a bitch