No reader, the title of this post does not refer to the conduct often witnessed during sale time at Dimmy's and Forges in Footscray, but rather to the host of animals that come and eat the cat food left out each night for my favourite Ferals, and a couple of gourmet cat chow loving Wilds.
Robert Mugabe was the first on the scene. Once the word got out, Dame Judi Dench the Racoon and Barry the Opossum started showing up for little Bobby Mugabe's left overs.

Robert Mugabe hiding from the Papparazzi.

There's a plucky chap!
The feral Danny Quinn, looking directly into the camera, he's got pluck!
Recently it was thought Mugabe had done himself a mischief as a black cat was out the front, with a missing ear. The name change from Mugabe to Chopper was considered. It turns about little Bobby is running around with both ears intact and the unfortunate earless feline is a new addition to the fold.
The new cat is camera shy, but we are calling him Gorgeous George, from the character in 'Snatch' of that name. Both are a bit mashed up and would appear to be fighters!
Gorgeous George, too ashamed of his looks to show his face for the camera.
All things bright and beautiful all creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful the Lord He made them all.
Cane toads however, will be chased off with a broom and beaten mercilessly when caught.
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