The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook."
Julia Child

The waiter bought out a tray of raw meat to display what they had to offer. Again, an odd resemblance to the Melbourne establishment of the same name I am sure. How very unusual but one tried to act unfazed, as though one were a part of the crowd that regularly eats at quality establishments.
Instead of acting with cool aplomb, I laughed like a fresh country bumpkin at the raw meat wrapped in 'glad' wrap. How embarrassing. In my defense I had ordered a grasshopper cocktail, my absolute favourite and it had been delivered in a soft drink sized glass. That's a whole lot of cocktail for someone like me, a confirmed 2 pot screamer.
The waiter proceeded to hold up the bits of steak, using a torch to light up and highlight the fat in each piece. Most of his speech was lost on me due to being a tad tipsy and overwhelmed by the fact that he was holding up plastic wrapped pieces of raw meat and talking about them like a butcher. Surreal indeed. What happens to that meat? After being carried around all evening does it get cooked and served to some unlucky beggar who orders their meal late in the evening?
When asked if I wanted the house salad my mouth began flapping yet again and I asked if the salad was a part of the meal. What possessed me to say out loud that I don't believe in paying extra for salad when one could get it for free by scrounging around at the side of the road. It's a fair point though, besides, do I look like someone who likes salad? Let's not beat around the bush, I'm not a rabbit and have no desire to be fed like one.
When the salad arrived the waiter began using the black pepper shaker over the plate. My head was swimming by this time with a stupid grin plastered on my face, thanks to the abundance of grasshopper, but after quite a while I became aware of a 'stillness' around the table. Was everybody sitting looking at me? At this point I became cognizant of the fact that indeed they were and blurted out, 'Are you waiting for me to tell you to stop?'.
Apparently he was and had continued to add the pepper waiting for a signal to stop. Everyone fell about laughing, at me, not with me, and my salad looked as though Mount Stromboli had erupted and emptied her entire pit of black ash on my plate. Fortunately, despite this mishap being a result of my stupidity, the now offensive salad was taken from me.
An evening spent with top shelf company, many laughs, the odd ribald joke, from me of course, and plenty of mirth. Could not have asked for a better evening.
The fillet mignon was so scrumptious. The bathrooms had chandeliers and wing backed chairs, what luxury. I was able to pocket 6 of the free mints in the bathroom, oh they were lovely. How could one rate Charley's at anything but 5 stars???
The grasshopper is the only alcoholic beverage I ever indulge in. It's simply too delicious, but no one here bothers to put the chocolate shavings on the top which makes me feel very ripped off.

The grasshopper is the only alcoholic beverage I ever indulge in. It's simply too delicious, but no one here bothers to put the chocolate shavings on the top which makes me feel very ripped off.

3/4 oz cream
3/4 oz creme de cacao, white
3/4 oz creme de menthe, green
Pour the ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice cubes.
Shake well.
Strain into a chilled cocktail glass
3/4 oz cream
3/4 oz creme de cacao, white
3/4 oz creme de menthe, green
Pour the ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice cubes.
Shake well.
Strain into a chilled cocktail glass
Joke : A Grasshopper walks into a bar, the barman says, "Hey we have a drink named after you,"
The Grasshopper says, "What Fred?"
Don't forget the other Melbourne establishment: The Main Course. It's all about meat and consuming isn't it? Strange how Melbourne brothels have restaurant names!
ReplyDeleteIt sounds lovely and you obviously had a good time. I dunno, the thought of eating out at a high-end establishment send shivers down my spine. I guess I am over them. I think that the whole scene has a tendency to be pretentious. Remember how PB used to ramble about her darling taking her to the Sofital etc? I think she turned me off. I have also been turned off High -Tea thanks to PB and LM. In my new view these places are frequented by phonies. At least in Melbourne they are anyway.
In Florida things are not so posh. I had to dress down. I learnt that pretty fast after moving here. Even in the fanciest of establishments people arrive in shorts, t-shirts and thongs. Fortunately it does not have that pretentious snobby feel that many of the finer places in Melbourne do. A good thing that is, because my manners could not stand up to that test. Unlike LM I am not a poseur...much. :)
ReplyDeleteAny pretences to being a lady were quickly thrown out the door when I told my joke about the Nun and the blind man. Oh dear.
I'm still a toff when it comes to high tea though miss P. Let's forget the English upper class does run, however thinly through our veins.
I took an ambien, really should not be on here, better go, but one thing, I would love to visit your Lentil as anything any day. It's probably a lot more of an adventure.
I try to be a phoney but it just does not work out for me. I am too phoney to pass off being a phoney.
ReplyDeleteYou haven't been taking lessons from lady Melbourne have you? Forget that right this minute young lady as you will never, I repeat never, have the poseur skills possessed by LM or that PB thing.
ReplyDeleteAt least you can get out to a nice eatery in Florida. I refrain from doing so in Melbourne because there is this over-run by phonies or knife wielding drunks.
Lentil is an adventure you just never know how many feral hippies are going to occupy the place. Actually, there appears to be a lot of um...disabled types with their minders in there during the day. I hate to write this but I get queasy easy, so I usually go outside to eat alone. Unless there is some feral hippy out there smoking a rolly. I then want to be violent to people.
Lentil is a great place for social observation. You get arty types who think that they are artistes. You get mother earth older women who are in contact with their spiritual selves. You even get the odd bogan who complains about 'no meat.' And of course you get Miss Patrice who is taking mental notes of the surroundings. So Yes Countess, you would be in for an adventure. High -tea would be okay if you didn't mind me using profane language directed at public school educated types like Lady Melbourne.
btw......the grasshopper in better in a pie. Yum yum....chocolate ripple just mix melted marshmallows with that lovely concoction of alcohol that you mentioned and viola a grasshopper pie..........TO DIE FOR!
ReplyDeleteI am making rum babas tonight. I hope they turn out. Cross you legs for me will you!
Miss P, I tried making grasshopper pie but could not get it to set. It was just all runny. So I drank it. Oh dear I do sound like a lush. You always did make a good one though. Now I hear you are expert at making Rum babas, why didn't you do that while I was in Melbourne? Oh because I would have devoured every single one and gone into a drunken stupor no doubt, thank you for saving me from my self.
ReplyDeletePut up pictures on your blog and the recipe please! PLLEASE. Oh dear, it's not even 9 am and I have resorted to begging.
Lentil as anything sounds like an adventure. I find the hippy crowd to be pretty accepting and generous towards others, mostly. I think if I were turn up wearing a T-shirt with Maggie Thatcher on it for example, someone might try to rough me up outside.
The knife culture in Australia is frightening. If things get worse, flee to the US. What? Oh yes we have guns. Still, rather get shot than knifed as the later is just too gruesome. Besides, we can arm ourselves and have an equal chance in our country hideaway! I am asking for a baby Uzi for my birthday, those things are hot. The Colonel is dead against the idea, wonder why?
Missing you all tremendously, was thinking about my lovely girls last night. How are they doing?? Does Lily still carry Beary?
I have hijacked your comment like a 14 year old Somali pirate, please forgive me!
You mean an 8 year old Somali pirate. Somali pirates are lame they can't even the 'argh' right..pffft poseurs.
ReplyDeleteThe girls are growing up. Things are quite different worst luck. They are just so 'old.' Gone are the fairy days of yore when they loved going anywhere with me. Now I have been replaced by a Nintendo DS. I hope to be going to Maldon soon. I am having Maldon withdrawals. Yes, Lily still carry's beary - thank God.
The Rum Baba's were a flop. They turned out like lead cakes. The dough was too runny so I could not knead it properly. In the end I had to add extra flour and the things ended up as heavy as my fat arse. I made a rum baba cake last week and it was delish but my individual babas flopped.
No Uzi why? I think Mike is being a little harsh. I personally want Ninja stars. I think that they would be uber cool.
Recipe for Rum baba cake please!
ReplyDeleteI once tried making small baba's, they ended up in the bin, what a flop. Why are those little bugger's so hard to make?
So glad to hear Beary is still around. :)
Mike does not like the Uzi. He likes American guns, lots of wood and all that, you know, Western style, (as in John Wayne). I prefer all the European stuff. Black, blockish, very German looking. He has a Glock I am mighty fond of. I just prefer European styling. The micro Uzi is ulta cute, just what a Countess needs to meet all her self defense needs I think.